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Agricultural Pest Control

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Agricultural pest facts​

  • We use the term ‘agricultural pest’ to cover a broad range of species that cause problems specific to agricultural businesses. This can include (but not limited to) species that:
    • reduce crop yields
    • damage or consume harvested crops
    • contaminate harvested crops with pathogens
    • directly or indirectly threaten the life or health of livestock (as a predator or biohazard)
    • damage farm machinery.
  • For these reasons, some of the main species that require control are:
    • rabbits, deer, stored product insects, rodents, foxes, pest bird species, moles, flies.
  • Pests can threaten agricultural businesses in ways you might not expect:
    • A horse turned out in a field with a rabbit warren can trap and break a leg.
    • Unregulated deer populations with high TB infection levels travel vast distances spreading TB to cattle.
    • Autumn flies (Musca Autumnalis) land on the faces of livestock and use their ‘teeth’ to stimulate the flow of tears; this can lead to infection and loss of the eye

What you can do​​

  • Look at your land, livestock and buildings with a ‘fresh pair of eyes’ every day.
    • Get to know your pest populations and where they might cause you problems.
  • Adopt a ‘prevention is better than cure’ mentality!
    • Remove or prevent access to resources.

If you have a problem with agricultural pests, we will..​

  • Get to know your environment and operations.
  • Identify the pest species and extent of the infestation.Employ specialist control methods. For example, we can offer:
    • fully-licensed use of firearms and night vision, ferreting, the latest trapping innovations.
  • Offer you training for self-delivery.

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